Jalisco > Puerto Vallarta >  Bares, Antros

Candy Bar Vallarta

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Bar gay. Cócteles, cervezas y comida. Hora feliz 4-7 pm.

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Gay Mexico Map

Candy Bar Restaurant, which opened its doors in Zona Romantica in January 2021, has sold and closed its doors on Sunday, May 1, 2021.

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What are people saying about us?


Very nice place! I see the nearby church is demanding it be closed. That is crazy! It is a tranquil restaurant and bar that is not a strip club, not an annoying noisy dance club and not a threat to anyone in the neighborhood. Of course the Catholic church would be against it, since they have such high moral ground with their sexual predator priests and long history of abuse of people, power and money. I heard that the church wanted a "donation" - yes a BRIBE, and when the bar owners would not pay up, they strung a banner across the street. I think we should all support Candy Bar and tell the church to mind their own business.


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 Este negocio ha cerrado permanentemente

Dirección Lázaro Cárdenas 388, Zona Romántica

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 Ese pagina ha vistado 1129 veces desde 2023-03-13