Quintana Roo > Playa del Carmen >  Bares, Antros

Playa 69

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Bar/antro abierto miércoles a sábado. La gran mayoría de los clientes son hombres. Strippers y shows travestís dependiente de la noche. Busca la entrada en el callejón a la izquierda de la 7-11.

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A New World Traveler

Club 69 is very easy to find...right off of 5th Avenue, located down a little well lit pathway next to 7 11. There is a 50 peso cover charge (at least on weekends). This is absolutely a late night crowd, and arriving prior to midnight is not recommended if you want to be with a large crowd of good looking local guys. The club starts getting busy after midnight. This place has a nice small outside patio with a really good DJ on the weekends. There are multiple side by side urinals without dividers, but another urinal away from the others if you're a little pee shy. Upon entry, there's a large dance box with hot strippers dancing. I don't know if that is only on weekends. As in previous messages, Club 69 has really well choreographed drag queens. They perform 3 times per night, with the first show starting after 1:00am, with each show lasting about 20 minutes. The night that I was there, one of the drag queens did a Cher medley that was very impressive. Beer and bottled water run 40 pesos each, just a little over $2 USD. I found the bartenders to be friendly, attractive, and efficient. As in any place, the more you tip, the better your service. Finally, I found people easy to approach and talk to. I was approached a few times as well. As in any tourist location, use caution, keep your wallet hidden, and I would recommend that in any bar in the world. Enjoy Club 69 and Playa del Carmen.


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