Michoacán > Morelia  > Bares, Antros

Las Rojas Morelia

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Uno de tres ubicaciones de Las Rojas en Morelia, esto es el original.

AdvertenciaEsta ubicación está cerrada permanentemente pero Rojas Pop sigue operando.


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Great place, it is NOT closed 10/2022 Está abierto

October 30, 2022

What are people saying about us?

Gay Mexico Map

As far as I can tell, this location of Las Rojas IS still closed. You must have visited Con Las Rojas Pop nearby at Allende 355?

November 01, 2022

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Listing Details

 Este negocio ha cerrado permanentemente

Street address Aldama #343, Centro Histórico

Reserve on Booking.com Busca alojamiento en esta zona

 This page viewed 1849 times since 2023-03-13