Yucatán > Mérida > Bares, Antros

Pride Cabaret
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Ya se encuentra donde fuera Milk en la carretera a Cancún. Horario: De Miércoles a Domingo. Shows travestis, comicos., strippers hasta 2 am, entonces DJ/bailar.

Creemos que este lugar ha sido cerrado permanentemente. Si esta información es incorrecta o ha vuelto a abrir, por favor avísanos escribiendo info@gaymexicomap.com.
Guadalupe Jiménez
Hola buenas noches quisiera saber que promoción tendrán el miércoles 9 de diciembre ya q voy d visita a Merida y quiero disfrutar la Noche en su antro Pride. Espero su respuesta gracias, ????
Pride Disco is a gay stripper and drag (trasvesti) show bar, not a disco. The strippers were more than fine. They hang around at tables in the audience when their set is over. The waiters when I went ignored me. One was sleeping on a sofa inside the club when I entered and the manager had to make her get up to go to work. The location is outside the city. Taxi fare to the bar was 60 pesos from downtown, but the taxi to return to the city is double, 120 pesos. It is so far out, you have no choice but to pay them. Recommended only if you have your own transportation.
Gay Mexico Map
Thanks for the feedback Steve! That's very helpful for others heading all the way out there. I've made changes to the listing text now.
Ron from Merida
Cover Charge $90 pesos. There are Open Bar offers, usually 100 - 175 pesos depending on the events of the evening, or you can pay for each drink. The ticket they give you to get in MUST remain on your person and be given back when you leave, or they will give you a very unnecessary hassle when you are trying to exit. Mixed crowd: men, women, and hetero couples. Opens about 10pm, and the shows start about midnight. One of the transvestites start the show and there is about 1/2 hour of karaoke. Strippers alternate with drag queens the rest of the show. After the show, about 2am, there is dj music and the stage is taken over by customers for dancing. The strippers were handsome, well built, and they all had good dance skills. A pleasure to see them perform. The transvestites perform muscial numbers and comedy routines with each other. Very entertaining. The place was packed on 22 February and eveyone seemed to be having fun. The drinks were fine and the service was excellent. Reservations are recommended. All the best tables within 75 feet of the stage were reserved.
DenverBear from Denver, USA
I was surpised there are no other comments since this site comes up close to the top for a google search for Gay Merida. The bar is pretty far outside of Centro but a fairly reasonable cab fare and there were cabs waiting outside near close. Pride is much more of a stip club than a gay bar. The dancers do go all nude and are also erect. However, it's clear that the majority are straight and they will spend most of the time bouncing between tables with women. Unlike the states you don't tip dancers as the perform but will have a chance to tip at the end after everyone has performed.
Justo Uribe from Yucatan
PRIDE has Changed Location
Pride is no more near Umán. It moved all the way East of Merida, on the highway towards Cancún...
Gay Mexico Map
Thanks very much for the corrected information Justo! I have changed the listing and the map location to correct this. I hope the new location now appears correctly?