Yucatán > Mérida >  Bares, Antros

Macumba II

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1 cuadra de Parque San Juan. Bar gay y club nocturno Horario: hasta 3 am jueves a lunes. Show a la medianoche los fines de semana Cerveza y tragos con botanas Cuenta con dos pisos, mesas y sillas, patio, y sala de bailes privados Maseros muy amables No entrada pero los tragos estan algo de caros

Creemos que este lugar ha sido cerrado permanentemente. Si esta información es incorrecta o ha vuelto a abrir, por favor avísanos escribiendo info@gaymexicomap.com.


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Opiniones sobre Macumba II

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What are people saying about us?

Pablo from Merida, Mexico
No longer gay

What a difference 2 weeks can make ! I was there just after 12 noon on a Saturday. I was the only client. The person in charge said Macumba is no longer a gay bar. He was very pleasant and I didn´t get the impression that he´d be unkind to gays. Macumba opens 7 days a week at noon now. Small beers are now only 20 pesos and there are still botanas.


What are people saying about us?

Gay Mexico Map

Thanks for the update Pablo. In that case I have removed the listing from the Gay Mexico Map.


What are people saying about us?

Pablo from Merida
Saturday afternoon

Please note that the correct address is not as stated above, but your map is correct. The address: Calle 71, between Calles 62 and 64. Just look for the flag and sign, mid block. Macumba II is open Thursday to Monday, 6 pm - 3 am, Saturdays opening is at noon. I stopped in Saturday about 3 pm. There were a few other clients. The atmosphere was informal and upbeat. Botanas were brought promptly. The staff seemed fine. I'm not familiar with beer prices in general, but there were promotions on, e.g. 1 Jarra cost 40 pesos, 3 cost 100. The staff didn't try to overcharge me.


What are people saying about us?

Gay Mexico Map

Thanks for the address correction and updates. The info has been corrected.


What are people saying about us?

Umberto from Merida
not much going on

Was in the area last night and stopped in and there was absolutely nothing going on. Around 12 midnite.


What are people saying about us?

Ron from Merida, Yuc, Mexico
Bar reopens

Yesterday, May 16, 2012, we went by Macumba to check on its status, as we have done for the past 3 weeks. The bar has finished its suspension and is back in business, under new management. We know the guy whose family is managing it, with hours of operation from 2pm until 3am. We hope it will be well run and successful.


What are people saying about us?

Ron Johnson from Merida Mexico
Macumba II closed

An employee at Macumba had a medical emergency and the police medics were called. When the police were there, they noted that the bar was serving alcohol after hours and were told about nude pole dancing. For these and other reasons [not having posted emergency exit signs, for instance] the club was closed on April 23 2012 by officials. I have no idea when it will be reopened.


What are people saying about us?

Macumba rip off

At first my friends and I were glad to see this new venue and wanted to support it. However, there just isn't much going on here and as mentioned drink prices are much higher than regular cantina prices. Also,after being over charged for drinks and the manager refusing to allow us to pay as we ordered to avoid tab disputes, my friends and I will not be supporting this place.


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 Este negocio ha cerrado permanentemente

Dirección Calle 71, entre Calle 62 y 64, Centro

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