Distrito Federal > Ciudad de México >  Baños y Clubes de Encuentros


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Club de encuentros para hombres 18+. Horario y temas varían por noche.

Creemos que este lugar ha sido cerrado permanentemente. Si esta información es incorrecta o ha vuelto a abrir, por favor avísanos escribiendo info@gaymexicomap.com.


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Higinio Gabriel

Gran lugar para pasarla bien


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Tracey Parker

Unmarked, no name in sight, only the #40 on top of the black door. I rang the doorbell and the door promptly unlocked itself. I heard a buzzer sound, the sound of a lock unlatching, and I watched a space of light open up between the door and its frame. I pushed the door open and walked in. I walked up the stairs. There was a black Curtain hanging at the top of the stairs. I pushed it over and found myself in a square foyer area. The area was light up in dim neon lighting. One of the doors opened to a reception area. I was warmly greeted in the normal manner of places like this. I was given a bag to place my clothes inside of. I stripped down to my underwear and then placed my shoes back on.

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 Este negocio ha cerrado permanentemente

Dirección Calle José María Iglesias 40, col. Tabacalera a 1 cuadra de Metro Revolución

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 Ese pagina ha vistado 15857 veces desde 2023-03-13