Distrito Federal > Ciudad de México >  Bares, Antros y Fiestas


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Noche de club semanal los sábados con dos fiestas en el mismo local: Bonito y Guapa. Baile al ritmo de indie pop, electro pop y pop diverso. El club tiene 3 plantas y 3 ambientes diferentes, incluido el espacio Guapa en la 2da planta.

¡Bonito es nuevo! La fiesta de inauguración fue el 3 de agosto de 2024


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NYC’s gay party maven Luis Fernando has partnered with a group of queer creatives in Mexico to open the newest and most daring club in the heart of Mexico City. The club is called BONITO and alludes to how beautiful the new venue is. Luis’s Creative Director, Dave H00d, states that “BONITO does not only refer to the nice and uber friendly experience you would get at the club, but also aims to reinforce the idea that boys can also be cute and pretty.” BONITO’s music also follows the same cute aesthetic as it pushes to introduce you to new indie pop songs or make you dance while crying on the dance floor to nostalgic beats you used to dance to when you were in high school. The club (which has 3 floors and 3 different experiences in each), has fully opened the dancefloor in the second floor of the club which they call Guapa (“hot female” in Spanish). Guapa is Bonito’s little sister. A smaller dance floor with huge energy at which you can dance to the most avant-garde Latin electronic sounds. The space is curated by Venezuelan native and Mexico resident DJ and Producer, EliVngel, who loves the space as her own and hopes that everyone who joins it is embraced by the horny beats of Neo-perreo and Latin club music as an alternative to the “cute” songs that women are supposed to dance to. The club Bonito is located in Condesa, one of the poshest neighborhoods in the city at Nuevo Leon 89.

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