Jalisco > San Sebastián del Oeste  > Hotels, B&Bs

Casa Dos Gallos

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Small gay owned luxury hotel with three rooms, each with queen bed, gas fireplace, coffee maker and jacuzzi tub. Located in the LGBT friendly pueblo magico of San Sebastián about 75km from Puerto Vallarta.

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9.3 / 10 rating on Booking.com

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Eduardo Torres

The rooms at this hotel are extremely unique. They are each painted in an old world renaissance style and decorated with antiques. Esch of the rooms is different. One is decorated in baroque furnishings and other in Chinese and another more contemporary. It also borders a waterfall and small park. Wow! Elegance and privacy in the middle of the town! Hard to beat.

October 19, 2023

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Listing Details

Street address Lerdo de Tejada 10, San Sebastián del Oeste Centro

Telephone numbers are shown as (city code) local number. If dialing from outside Mexico, you need to start with country code 52. +52 322 383 9032

average nightly rate of double room Average room rate: $135 USD

Average rating Average rating: 94 Excellent

Reserve on Booking.com View on booking.com

Number of comments 1 comment

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Date we last verified this business Verified 2024-10-14

 This page viewed 683 times since 2023-03-13