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Code Puerto Vallarta

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Code or Co-De is a dance club with a big dance floor and an impressive sound system. Attracts a mixed crowd of men and women, gay and straight.


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I want to start by narrating what happened to me on May 28, 2021 in this establishment

Enter the CODE establishment in the romantic zone in the city of Puerto Vallarta between 2:00 am and 2:15 am, pay the cover like everyone else and enter to buy a cocktail at the bar on the first floor. After paying for my drink, I went to enjoy the music in the dance area. When suddenly I feel that something falls on my head and immediately on my right hand breaking the glass that I had in my hand cutting my fingers and hand. What happened was that one of the waiters was carrying a large cooler full of ice with his hands up when suddenly the weight gained him and the cooler fell on my head causing the accident. At that moment I was a bit surprised with what happened and the only thing I could feel was pain and I could see a lot of blood in my right hand. I go to the bar with my hand full of blood and nobody assists me. I had to ask one of the bartenders for help to give me water and clean my severed hand. After that moment I asked one of the waiters to send a person to help me and who wanted to talk to the manager of the CODE disco. They sent a security person who took me to the area where the security cameras of the bar were assisting me in the first aid. I ask the one who wanted a doctor to check me and who wanted to speak to the manager. after he disinfects my wounds and covers them with bandages. After that he retires but I am still waiting for the manager to assist me with a medical service and I wanted a report of the incident that occurred in the establishment, I spoke with several waiters several times I needed to speak with the manager of the establishment to which they replied that he was at the entrance he had to leave the disco. I did not understand why he did not attend to the incident immediately and why he had to leave the disco without receiving a report of what happened and without a doctor checking my hand to verify that he did not have embedded glass. After a few minutes that simply for them what had happened was not serious, I leave the establishment to speak with the manager and what I receive is bad treatment and bad customer service. The ineptitude and lack of preparation of a person who does not offer service for the safety of a customer is recorded on video after a waiter drops a heavy object on my head and my hand, causing cuts in different fingers and breaking a ring of white gold that I had in my right hand from how strong the impact was. They did not want to give me a report about the incident, the manager did not show empathy with what had happened to me. on the contrary, he was aggressive and disinterested in the accident. Absolutely terrible service for such a prestigious place. I had to assume the costs of having me examined by a doctor and having the ring that I had restored since it corresponds to my wedding band. When those responsible for these costs should be assumed by the establishment for the damages caused. In addition to that, since that day I have pain in my hand since the impact was strong enough that I managed to hurt my hand apart from the cuts caused. It's a shame that a site like this has such a poorly prepared manager to take over. They are not trained to respond efficiently and effectively. They didn't ask me for my details to follow up and they don't care about me at all. I DO NOT RECOMMEND VISITING THIS ESTABLISHMENT.

June 01, 2021

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