Yucatán > Mérida  > Bars, Discos

Zeus Bar

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Bar with DJs, dancing, gogos and strippers

We believe this place has been permanently closed. If this information is incorrect or it has reopenened, please let us know by writing info@gaymexicomap.com.


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Amigo moderno

El bar es una estafa, le cobran a uno 50 pesos por el ingreso y le dan una bebida de cortesia que es mala;luego pedimos dos margaritas y nos dieron un preparado que no llevaba tequila y cada uno por 55 pesos, una estafa de bar. Comunidad gay no lo recomendamos y menos a los extranjeros porque nos tumban echeverry

December 15, 2018

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Listing Details

 This business has been reported as permanently closed

Street address Calle 60 entre 57 y 55 (Arriba de El Tucho)

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 This page viewed 1413 times since 2023-03-13