Yucatán > Mérida  > Hotels, B&Bs

El Pueblo Mérida

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Boutique seven-suite bed & breakfast for gay travelers. Peaceful tropical oasis yet close to the action of Merida Centro. Each of the spacious suites has a king bed, private bath, A/C. Pool .Breakfast included.

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Listing Details

Street address Calle 56 439, Parque Santa Lucia

Telephone numbers are shown as (city code) local number. If dialing from outside Mexico, you need to start with country code 52. +52 999 364 2367

average nightly rate of double room Average room rate: $175 USD

Reserve on Booking.com View on booking.com

Rating on Google Maps 5.0 rating on Google Maps

Number of comments 0 comments

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Date we last verified this business Verified 2024-04-28

 This page viewed 870 times since 2024-03-31