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Casa Hoffa

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The Casa Hoffa is a gay-owned luxurious 1,835 sq. ft., fully-furnished 2Br/2Bth residence directly overlooking the translucent Chahue Bay (Pacific Ocean) and majestic Sierra Madre Mountains. Day trip to the village of Juchitan, also known as Mexico's "Cherry Grove (Fire Island)".

We believe this place has been permanently closed. If this information is incorrect or it has reopenened, please let us know by writing info@gaymexicomap.com.


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Gay Mexico Map

El propiedad nos ha informado que ahora no está ofreciendo alojamiento. The property has informed us that they are no longer offering rentals.

April 10, 2019

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Seria bien que hubiera alguna indicacion de los precios...

August 06, 2013

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