Morelos > Cuernavaca  > Hotels, B&Bs

Casa del Angel

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Guest house located high on a hill overlooking the center of Cuernavaca in a safe working class neighborhood. It is a 10 minute taxi ride from the Zocalo and two blocks above the beautiful Chapultepec Ecological Park. They offer comfortable rooms with private baths, beds with quality linens, cable TV in both Spanish and English. Wireless internet. Hot tub. The roof garden of the house is also perfect for sun bathing and relaxing. For guests 18 and over. Gay owned by your hosts Joaquin Dominguez and Billy Cross


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Listing Details

Street address Calle Clavel 18-B, Colonia Satellite

Telephone numbers are shown as (city code) local number. If dialing from outside Mexico, you need to start with country code 52. +52 777 512 6775

WhatsApp +52 777 268 2934

average nightly rate of double room Average room rate: $55 USD

Rating on Google Maps 4.1 rating on Google Maps

 4.5 rating on Tripadvisor

Number of comments 0 comments

This business information has been verified by the business manager Business claimed

Date we last verified this business Verified 2023-07-27

 This page viewed 976 times since 2023-03-13