Chihuahua > Ciudad Juárez  > Bathhouses, Saunas, Massage, Cruising Clubs, Cruising Areas

Estambul Spa Ciudad Juarez

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Bathhouse for gay and bi men with jacuzzi, showers, steam rooms, sauna, gym, bar, smoking area, cabinas, garden. There is also a location in Chihuahua.

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Not bad! This place is fairly well run although it's not immediately clear what you have to do/wear. But the manager gave me a quick tour and a few nice guys here (Wednesday evening). Best time is Sunday afternoon apparently

March 15, 2020

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Listing Details

 This business has been reported as permanently closed

Street address C. Anahuac 550, Cuauhtémoc

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 This page viewed 3075 times since 2023-03-13