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Studs Bear and Leather Bar

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Bear y leather bar con 2 niveles, DJ, sexy gogos, shows en vivo. Cuarto obscuro en la planta alta.

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What are people saying about us?

Peter Iveson

nice that there is a bar for bears and leather men in PV again.I visited it once in February 2023,although there was a drag show on the ground floor,definitely a turn off.Its really to hot in PV for leather although I usually go there for Bear Week January 27 to Feb 5 2024,harnesses,leather shorts,and boots OK.expect a cover charge on weekends.I usually go to PV each year about that time.


What are people saying about us?


Really great bar, very friendly staff, decent drinks, good music and appropriately dark and light inside. Very clean, lots of handsome men.if I lived in PV, this would be my hangout. Doesn't get really hopping until 11pm. Friday is jockstrap night, very fun


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